The MATS (Merchandising Anti Theft System) is a two in one total shelf solution. It can function as a Anti Sweep/Anti Theft deterrent solution as well as a front of shelf management system. The MATS (OVERLAY Merchandising Solution) is an evolution from the MATS (Merchandising Anti Theft System) using some of the same simple componentry designed in the MATS (Anti-Theft) solution to produce a gravity pusher front of shelf facing merchandising solution. It is designed to be labour saving instore and keeps all products front of shelf and perfectly visible and shoppable for the consumer. It’s a NEW alternative to the current pusher systems with less breakable replaceable parts. It allows far easier to change stock facings and product sizes by simply adding and removing weights from the caddies, this compared with needing to completely replace a spring pusher to achieve the required strength and roller shelf systems. The design helps maintaining maximum facings with minimal space loss, is labour saving to install and re-planogram due to minimal components, is cost effective compared to other on shelf merchandising solutions, ensures stock rotation in categories requiring this, easier to fill than conventional pusher systems, less breakages of component, can come in parts to be assembled onsite or kitted to size The MATS Overlay Merchandising Solution was created by iDesign Group PTY LTD,, Sydney, Australia; (Web Site)