pplegate Farms Introduces The DO GOOD DOG Hot Dog

Applegate Farms, has launched the DO GOOD DOG hot dog, the first nationally available hot dog made with beef raised on verified regenerative U.S. grasslands. Beef for the DO GOOD DOG hot dog comes from SunFed Ranch in Northern California and boasts the Savory Institute’s Land to Market Seal, the world’s first regenerative sourcing verification.
With the introduction of the DO GOOD DOG™ hot dog, the company has bold ambitions to take regenerative agriculture from niche to norm.
John Ghingo, President of Applegate, said, “Animals have a vital role to play in restoring soil health, sequestering carbon and safeguarding the land against drought, wildfires, erosion and other devastating results of climate change. Our mission is to scale regenerative practices beyond small farms and niche markets. It’s the only way to make a big enough impact.”