Samsung And IoTecha Transform EV Charging Experience

Samsung Electronics and IoTecha Corp. have formed a strategic collaboration to introduce a new range of electric vehicle charging stations that combine Samsung’s best-of breed display and signage solutions with IoTecha’s industry-leading EV charging technology. The resulting platform is expected to open up new driver and customer experiences for a wide range of commercial customers, including retail and hospitality, and enable innovative business models and revenue streams for digital signage and EV charging network providers.
Samsung and IoTecha have created a comprehensive EV charging kiosk solution featuring Samsung’s OH series touch screens and IoTecha’s Level 2 charging components. The integration of hardware and software addresses key challenges affecting deployment of both EV charging and digital signage infrastructure, from cost and complexity of equipment and operation, to remote monitoring, management.
Each unit supports interactive displays for programmatic advertising, customer information, service offers, personalized messages, and more.