Bonterra Becomes First Organic Climate Neutral Certified Wine

Bonterra Organic Vineyards has achieved Climate Neutral certification. The certification places Bonterra, at the vanguard of brands choosing to disclose their emissions footprints, commit to near-term reduction targets, and communicate openly and transparently with consumers about their climate impact.
Rachel Newman, V.P., Marketing, Bonterra, said, “Publicly sharing our emissions footprint and taking responsibility in a really clear, open way was important for us to do now-not in five, ten or thirty years.”
Bonterra worked with nonprofit organization Climate Neutral to account for all scopes of greenhouse gas emissions created in Bonterra wines’ journey, from cradle to consumer. Bonterra offset 110% of its footprint through responsible, third-party sourced, nature-based carbon credits.
Climate-regenerative projects supported include reforestation initiatives offering numerous co-benefits to climate-vulnerable communities. In clearly communicating Bonterra’s climate footprint at the bottle level, Bonterra aims to help demystify the emissions intensity of its collection.