In-Store Shopping To Make A Comeback According to New Inmar Survey

Inmar Intelligence, (, has released findings from a new survey, which shows that over a quarter (27 percent) of consumers plan on doing most of their grocery shopping in-store once they are fully vaccinated and over a third (38 percent) will be doing a combination of online and in-store shopping.
“As vaccines become more widely available, it is natural that today’s shoppers choose to head back into the store as a part of their grocery shopping routine,” said Spencer Baird, Executive Vice President and President of Inmar Intelligence’s MarTech division. “Most consumers are familiar with an in-store shopping experience – browsing and discovering new products – and there are some products that shoppers prefer to buy in-store.”
While 48 percent of shoppers are currently hybrid shoppers, almost a third (33 percent) are currently shopping for groceries in-store, suggesting a steady return to normalcy and increased comfort with in-store shopping. Additionally, the survey found that over half (51 percent) of shoppers are still looking to stockpile throughout 2021, adopting a longer-term “be prepared” mentality.