Mojo Vision Announces Test Integration With Alexa Shopping List On Smart Contact Lens

Mojo Vision, (, has developed a consumer implementation of Alexa Shopping List on its Mojo Lens prototype. The integration shows how Mojo Vision could integrate the Alexa voice AI with Mojo Lens’ powerful eye-based interface.
The Alexa Shopping List test integration shows how Mojo Vision’s eyes-up, hands-free technology could work with Amazon’s Alexa voice AI and Alexa Shopping List feature. The use case envisions an experience in which someone can access their shopping list at the grocery or other retail store without distraction, easily checking things off hands-free and making sure they don’t forget any items.
A user can ask Alexa to add items to an Alexa Shopping List before or during a trip to the store. The Alexa Shopping List feature would appear as one of the applications on Mojo Lens, and the user can access their list in their frame of view, while walking down store aisles. The shopper can scroll through the list, effortlessly checking off items as they add them to their shopping cart.